Crafty Pete on the Anatomy of a Masculine Card (Part I)
Firstly let me apologise for the lack of publishing on the Blog. Atty has had somewhat of a monopoly on card making recently, something that I need to redress.
Today’s blog post is the start of a new series of posts on Masculine cards, it’s going to be controversial, and I’m hoping will start an important conversation. In this series, yes series I’m going to post more than once, I will be explaining what a Masculine card is to me (that last bit is important).
Let’s start with the definition:
You will notice that in the definition it does not use the following words; golf, fishing, motorbikes, old cars , biplanes etc. Undoubtedly these things have an association to the male of the species but this is akin to me sending the beautiful Atty a special Feminine card with an Iron, some scales or maybe even the washing up bowl on the front. I think we all know how that would end! Crafty Pete would become Crafty ‘I have an Iron shape dent in my face’ Pete, anyway, I digress.
Having ruled out the obvious Stampin’ subjects and if you’re still reading let’s move on a rule out a few more classic mistakes.
Planes, Ships and Maps – What are you trying to tell me…. especially as the majority of these are based on ancient technology.. Hey husband here’s an image of crappy old plane and map created by Columbus go knock yourself out, what’s message here “Happy Birthday but get lost”
Fishing – Just don’t even get me started on fishing, all of you that follow my Pinterest board @CraftyPeter will know, I don’t like fishing.
Racing Cars – No no no no no… don’t get me wrong I like these things but why. Nothing says I love you more than an image of a racing car.
Rockets – Wishful thinking….
Guitars and Cowboy boots – I have no words to describe how bad this is unless your fella is Keith Urban and then maybe you can get away with it just.
So what do we like? Well that’s Part II and coming soon, but whilst you’re waiting why not send me some examples and I’ll give you my Stampinion (Did you see what I did) on them.
Until next time.
Crafty Pete
Assistant to the lovely Atty, provider of web resources, photography and all things interesting.
Assisting Atty in her Stampin' Up! endeavour here in Eight Mile Plains, Brisbane, Australia.